Master Small Ruminant Program

The Master Small Ruminant Producer program is designed to give sheep and goat producers a combination of classroom teaching and hands-on learning experiences. The program is designed for first time producers all the way to the seasoned veterans. Cost of the program is $100.

master small ruminant logo

Class Schedule

Virtual Sessions 2025 (Thursdays-5:30 pm)
  • February 6, 13, 20, 27
  • March 6, 13, 20, 27
  • April 3, 10
Included Hands-On Sessions

Small Ruminant

Pasture and Forages Management

All Hands-On Classes

Craft Products






Masters Programs

    Q: What is the Master Small Ruminant Program?
    A: The Master Small Ruminant Program is an educational program designed to provide a foundation of science-based and practical sheep and goat environmental information.

    Q: What are the topics covered?
    A: Topics change for each year’s program, but typically cover: Pasture Management, Reproduction, Genetics Nutrition, Health, Marketing, Economics, Hot Topics.

    Q: Do I have to own a certain number of sheep/goats to participate?
    A: No, the program is designed for those interested in future ownership, 0-50 head, and 50 and over. First time producers and generational producers will all learn.

    Q: How long is the Master Small Ruminant Program?
    A: The program is anywhere from 8-20 classes in which the participant is required to attend a minimum of 7 classes to receive certification. Selection and attendance is entirely up to the participant.

    Q: What is the format of the program?
    A: Depending on the program and location, the program may either be hands-on or virtual. Please check with each individual location for specific format.

    Q: When does the program take place?
    A: Participants can sign up at any time as hands-on classes are offered year-round. Virtual classes are only offered in February-April.

    Q: How often do I need to take the program to maintain TN Ag Enhancement certification?
    A: Upon taking the course, certification is good for three years.

    Q: How much does the program cost?
    A: The cost of the program is $100. Participants will receive access to all of the hands-on classes (1 year from purchase of program) plus the virtual classes.

    Contact Us

    Matt Horsman

    Matt Horsman
    Extension Agent

    Contact Us-Matt
    Request a Meeting

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