Master Horse

The Tennessee Master Horse Program is an educational program designed to provide a foundation of science-based equine nutrition, management and environmental information applicable to all horse owners and those interested in equine well-being. Classes involve hands-on as well as virtual sessions to meet a variety of learning styles and schedules. Virtual sessions are only offered January-March. The cost of the program is $125 for the year.

Class Schedule

  • Virtual Sessions 2025 (Thursdays-6:00 pm)
    • January 16: Program Overview & Responsible Horse Ownership
    • January 23: Nutrition
    • January 30: Pasture Management
    • February 6: Hoof Care
    • February 13: Preventative Health
    • February 20: Waste and Economics
    • February 27: Hot Topics (as requested by participants)
    • March 4: Graduation

Q: What is the Master Horse Program?
A: The Tennessee Master Horse Program is an educational program designed to provide a foundation of science-based equine nutrition, management and environmental information.

Q: What are the topics covered?
A: Topics change for each year’s program, but typically cover: Pasture Management, First-Time Ownership, Nutrition, Health, Manure Management, Liability, Economics, Training, Hot Topics.

Q: Do I have to own a horse or be an experienced horse owner to take the program?
A: No, the program is designed for those interested in future horse ownership, new horse owners, and longtime horse owners. The variety of topics provides new learning experiences for all.

Q: How long is the Master Horse Program?
A: The program is anywhere from 8-22 classes in which the participant is asked to attend a minimum of 7 classes. Selection and attendance is entirely up to the participant.

Q: What is the format of the program?
A: The program is designed to meet the needs and schedule demands of all participants. The program is a combination of hands-on, on-farm, classroom, and virtual Zoom presentations.

Q: When does the program take place?
A: Participants can sign up at any time as hands-on classes are offered year-round. Participants receive classes for one from the date they signup. Virtual classes are only offered in January-March.Hands-on classes vary in time, but most start at 5:30. Virtual classes will begin at 6:00 pm.

Q: What is the cost of the program?
A: The cost for the entire program is $125.

Contact us

Megan Johnson

Megan Johnson
Equine Program Leader

Matt Horsman

Matt Horsman
Extension Agent

Contact Us-Matt
Request a Meeting

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