Homesteading Program

The Homesteading Program is a series of classes encompassing many aspects of the homestead industry. Classes involve hands-on as well as a virtual sessions to meet a variety of learning styles and schedules. The cost of program is $100.

Farming Fundamentals is also contained in this educational program and is designed for those participating in the Tennessee Ag Enhancement’s Beginning Farmer Program.


Class Schedule

*Locations subject to change*

Virtual Sessions 2025
  • January 21- Introduction and Partner Programs
  • February 3- Starting a Farm Business
  • February 10- Business Planning
  • February 17- Taxes
  • February 24- Marketing & Value-Added Products
  • March 3-Farmer’s Market: 1 Person-3 Perspectives
  • March 10-Soils:The Basis for All
Hands-on Sessions

*Participants receive free access to all classes under the “Free Classes” tab. Preregistration is required for each class and the registration form can be found on the specific class link.*

Craft Products






Masters Programs


      Q: What is Farming Fundamentals?
      A: Farming Fundamentals is an educational program designed to provide a foundation of science-based and practical information for new and beginning farmers.

      Q: Is Farming Fundamentals Required?
      A: If you are applying for Tennessee Ag Enhancement for the first time under the Beginning Farming option, then it is required. If you have previously taken and are looking to apply again, then it is not required. If not applying, it is purely for the educational experience.

      Q: What can I receive with a Farming Fundamentals certification?
      A: Most importantly, education and hands-on experience in a variety of topic areas. Additionally, completing this program qualifies you for Tennessee Ag Enhancement which is a state of Tennessee cost share program.

      Q: What are the topics covered?
      A: Topics will cover: Farm Business Management, Government Resources, Poultry Production, Beef & Small Ruminant Management, Fruit and Vegetable Production, and much more!

      Q: Do I have to own a certain number of acres to participate?
      A: No, the program is designed for anyone interested in learning basic farming practices, regardless of land ownership.

      Q: How long is the Farming Fundamentals Program?
      A: If a person is taking the class for TAEP qualification, they must attend the required virtual classes. Attendance at the Hands-On sessions is up to the participant. Selection and attendance is entirely up to the participant.

      Q: What is the format of the program?
      A: The program is designed to meet the needs and schedule demands of all participants. The program is a combination of hands-on, on-farm, classroom, and virtual Zoom presentations.

      Q: What time does the class start and how long is it?
      A: Classes typically start at 5:30 pm and run 1.5 hours.

      Q: What is the cost of the program?
      A: The cost for the program is $100.

      Q: How often do I need to take the program to maintain TN Ag Enhancement certification?
      A: Completion of the program allows you to apply for TAEP for a maximum of two years.