Description- Come meet our instructors, learn about Williamson County Extension programs, ask questions & get involved! Anyone is welcome to attend the 4-H and Extension Open House. 4-H Programs for youth in 2nd-12th grades in STEM, Culinary, Communications, Animal Science, Shooting Sports and more. Adult programs will also be represented.
Location– Williamson County Ag Expo Park, East end of Mezzanine, 4215 Long Lane, Franklin, TN
Date– Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Time– 5:30-7:00 pm. Come & go, free to attend!
Contact– Mansi Ashar with questions, mashar@utk.edu or 615-790-5721
Registration is now open for Fall 2023 with Williamson County 4-H!
Joining is easy & completely online. We hope your student will find a new area to discover or continue exploring something they love with 4-H this fall.
Steps to join Fall 4-H Classes:
- Review the website for all opportunities, check dates and class times to be sure you can attend the dates & times, check for grade level, and experience needed. https://tiny.utk.edu/WilCo4H
- Pay Registration Fees by clicking the “Payment & Registration” button on any page https://tiny.utk.edu/WilCo4HFees (if a group doesn’t show on the payment site, it’s full & you can join an interest list)
- Complete the Registration form for each student and select all groups you paid for plus the free groups you are joining https://tiny.utk.edu/JoinWilco4H
- Add all the meetings to your calendar! Your instructors will reach out by email 1-2 weeks before your first meeting.
- Share this great opportunity with people in your community!
Website: https://tiny.utk.edu/WilCo4H
Registration Payment: https://tiny.utk.edu/WilCo4HFees