Poultry Problems

Find more information on this page about: Common Problems, Predators, Culling Hens, and Parasites

Common Problems

Sometimes, problems come up in your flock. These resources may help you determine a problem and understand how to address it.


Running into conflicts with wildlife is an inevitable aspect of keeping backyard chickens. Almost every predatory species will eat chicken if given the opportunity.

Culling Hens

Culling hens refers to the identification and removal of the non-laying or low producing hens from a laying flock. Unless the birds are diseased, they are suitable for marketing or home cooking.


Parasites are organisms that live in or on another organism, referred to as the host, and gain an advantage at the expense of the host. There are several external parasites that attack poultry by either sucking blood or feeding on the skin or feathers.

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Doug Berny

Doug Berny
Extension Agent

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