One of the most beneficial tools to developing a farm plan, troubleshooting an issue with animals, or improving your pasture is to have a farm visit. An extension agent will visit your property and work with you to develop a strategy specific to your farm or land. Best thing, it is all free! Request a visit by clicking the button below.

Ask Questions, Make Discoveries, Be Curious
All visits are done with the purpose of education and learning. The goal of the visit is for you to understand the capabilities of your land, potential for poultry or animals, maximize the return on the dollars you spend, have expectations and goals you can meet, and ultimately know you have a resource there to assist you anytime. Benefits are:
- Identify a weed or grass plants or issues
- Identify any toxic or noxious plants or other potential farm dangers
- Troubleshoot farm problem
- Develop plan for poultry or animals on land
- Develop rotational grazing plan
- Create improvement plan for pasture
- Maximize land based on size, type, and number of animals
- Discuss agricultural opportunities based on land and environment
- Make sure you are getting the maximum return on inputs for your pasture or farm
Contact Us

Matt Horsman
Extension Agent