The following tabs are a listing of equine services in Williamson County and the surrounding areas. Providers are listed in the order they are received, not by recommendation or availability. If you or a business offer one of these services and would like it listed in the directory, please scroll to the “Submit Service Provider” tab.
- Tennessee Equine Hospital
- 615-591-1232
- Franklin Equine Hospital
- 615-395-4441
- Equine Performax Vet Services
- 615-368-3461
- Rock-N-Country
- 615-368-7873
- Noland Fencing-615-794-0456
- Tennessee Fence Co.-615-566-5130
- Herbert Fencing-615-636-7664
- American Fence and Gate-615-833-2120
- United Farmer’s COOP-615-790-6100
- Bonnie’s Barnyard-615-368-7679
- Tractor Supply Co.-5 locations
- Purina, Lauren Wells-615-580-1485
- Pro Elite, Josie Solomon-765-414-4363
- Triple L Ranch-615-799-8085
- Fernvale-Pasture/Stall
- Tap Root Farm-615-594-3210
- Franklin-Pasture
- Lantern Farms-706-560-7557
- Columbia-Pasture/Stall
- Three Ring Farm-270-366-2923
- College Grove-Pasture/Stall
- Second Wind Farm-615-308-2063
- College Grove-Pasture/Stall
- Triple A Ranch-574-457-6345
- Franklin-Pasture/Stall
- Erica Hopkins 615-594-3210
- English/Western
- Cross Roads Ranch 615-818-7101
- Western
- Three Ring Farm-270-366-2923
- Eventing
- Darlene Dixon 615-653-5115
- Dressage/Arabians
- Triple L Ranch 615-799-8085
- English/Western
- Dale Rudin-949-337-3269
- Western
- Valerie Stack-615-336-7559
- English/Western
- Wallace Trailers-615-794-9545
- Triune Trailers-615-347-4629
- Larry Moschera-615-943-8354
- Potter Land Management-615-516-6871
- Pasture mowing/land clearing
- Colton Sanders-615-522-8723
- Baling/Mowing-Franklin
- Nothing But Chips-615-838-4543
- Land clearing
- Mike Stalnaker-615-500-0460
- Custom Baling-Spring Hill
- Tyrone Ridley-615-969-7830
- Custom Baling-Eagleville
- John Grant-615-772-4219
- Hay/Mow/Land Clear-Fairview
- Ron Dennis-615-417-4292
- Mowing/Hay-College Grove
- Josh McKenzie-615-405-5012
- Mowing/Hay-Bethesda
- Nate Devers-615-663-4675
- Custom Hay-Columbia
- AMP Land Solutions-931-981-5189
- Land clearing & development
- Moss Excavation-615-957-3001
- Land clearing & grading
- Darren Winters-615-604-7714
- Land & Pond Work
- Kindred Land Management-812-630-6297
- Land restoration and management
- Jackie Bennett-615-830-8327
- Spring Hill-Square
- John Zavaro-615-943-7165
- Spring Hill-Round
- Colton Sanders-615-522-8723
- Franklin-Round/Square
- Mike Stalnaker-615-500-0460
- Spring Hill-Round
- John Grant-615-772-4219
- Fairview-Round/Square
- Jack Ficken-615-604-3040
- Fairview-Round
- Kenneth Smith-931-607-6002
- Spring Hill-Round/Square
- Paul Vaden-615-714-8124
- Franklin-Round
- Ron Dennis-615-417-4292
- College Grove-Round/Square
- Steve Williams-615-533-8168
- Nolensville-Round/Square
- Timmy Wilson-615-477-1679
- College Grove-Square
- Herbert Woodard-615-351-5199
- Nolensville-Square
- Josh McKenzie-615-405-5012
- Spring Hill-Round
- Jay Atwill-270-627-1870
- Dentist
- Laura Quakenbush-615-965-5299
- Sports Massage Therapy
- Cindy Albright-615-972-3039
- Sports Massage Therapy
- Torrey Barnhill-615-674-5388
- Harlinsdale Farm Exec. Dir.
- Dwight Hall-615-305-1328
- Mells Fox Hounds
- Fox Hunting-All Skill Levels
- T3 Enterprises-615-796-3044
- Waste Management
- Southern Comfort Equine Massage-601-365-9887
- Equine Massage Therapy
- Residential Equine-313-701-7473
- Residential Horse Care
- Triple A Ranch-574-457-6345
- Birthday Parties
- Outdoor Gearworks-562-833-6387
- Saddle and Tack Repair
- Summertown Metals – 931-796-1521
- Morton Buildings -800-447-7436
- Mark Cothran-615-969-6414
- Nathan Sommers-931-293-2290
- The Barn Store-615-675-4970
- AVO Barndominium-615-437-8090
- Henry Drilling-615-794-1784
- USDA-NRCS-615-794-8488
- United Farmer’s COOP-615-790-6100
- Bonnie’s Barnyard-615-368-7679
- Tractor Supply Co.-5 locations
- Franklin Horse Supply-615-790-7860
- Dover-615-591-6414
- Rachel Mullins-615-879-7719
- Western-Youth
- Jennifer Pigue-615-310-7427
- English-All Ages
- Susan Ingraham-615-594-3210
- English/Western-All Ages
- Cross Roads Ranch-615-818-7101
- Western-All Ages
- Three Ring Farm-270-366-2923
- Eventing-5yr-Adult
- Spirit Horse Stables-615-599-9906
- English/Western-All Ages
- Darlene Dixon-615-653-5115
- Dressage/Arabians
- Annie Profitt-615-796-1558
- Eventing-All Ages
- Triple L Ranch-615-799-8085
- English/Western-All Ages
- Franklin Riding Academy-615-478-6212
- Saddleseat-6yr-Adult
- Brittany Lehmann-615-218-7728
- English-All Ages
- Trish Franks-615-948-3708
- English-Youth
- Franklin Polo Academy-615-476-9528
- Polo-All Ages
- Erin LeCompt-606-776-5129
- English-All Ages
- Diane Moschera-615-308-2063
- Western/Barrels-All Ages
- Triple A Ranch-574-457-6345
- Western-All Ages
- Tyrone Ridley-615-969-7830
- Equipment/Tractor Repair
- Ron Dennis-615-417-4292
- Equipment Repair & Fabrication
- Tim Bruce-615-498-0919
- Tractor Repair
- E & S Services- 615-339-4110
- Tractor, Small Construction, Small Engine Repair
- TriGreen Equipment-615-794-8187
- Franklin Kubota-615-790-7860
- United Farmer’s COOP-615-790-6100
- Tractor Supply Co.-5 locations
- Rob Pierce-615-995-6937
- Billy Lampley-615-598-0735
- Todd Totty-615-796-3044
- John Tomlin-615-406-9026
- Saddle Up-615-794-1150
- Freedom Reigns Ranch-615-721-2550
- Hillview Farm-615-656-3069
If you provide one of these services and would like your name listed, please send an email to and provide details of the service to Matt Horsman.
Contact us

Megan Johnson
Equine Program Leader

Matt Horsman
Extension Agent