NEW DATE AND TIME! The annual 4-H pullet sale takes place the FIRST Saturday in August at the Williamson County Fair. This is the best opportunity all year to buy the highest quality pullets (a term used to describe a female hen before she lays eggs). Pens are limited and quality is high. This year’s sale will feature a variety of breeds with a variety of egg colors! Register now as a buyer to get up-to-date information about the sale!
Description-The Annual Pullet Sale (Chick Chain) is a unique way for students to raise their own flock at home and learn about poultry in a hands-on experience. Participants attend a mandatory training seminar on “how to” raise blue ribbon pullets.
When the Williamson County Fair rolls around in August, students bring a pen of 5 of their best hens to compete. The pens of 5 are auctioned to the public with buyers taking possession of their birds at the conclusion of the sale. All hens are just beginning to lay or will soon after. If you are looking for high quality hens to produce farm fresh eggs, this is the only place to shop!
Eligibility– All are welcome! Preregistration as a buyer is encouraged. Registered buyers will receive a parking map and sale updates prior to the sale.
Why-Looking to get the high quality egg layers, best farm eggs, and supporting hardworking youth!
Breeds- These breeds were specifically selected for their docile temperament and excellent egg production.
- Gold Sex Links – A superior brown egg layer and popular 4-H breed making them a great choice for backyard and commercial brown egg production. This breed is a hybrid cross resulting in hybrid vigor for egg production and a sex-linked color pattern enabling the offspring to be easily sexed after hatching. Females are golden red with white highlights in color while the males are white as chicks. This is a very docile, kid friendly breed with superior brown egg production.
- Cinnamon Queen – This popular brown egg laying hybrid is a cross between a Rhode Island Red and Silver Laced Wyandotte. The resulting offspring from this cross are extremely docile, rose combed, cold tolerant and prolific layers of large brown eggs. Their unique color pattern and docile temperament make them a family and farm favorite.
- New Hampshire Red – This is an extremely docile American Heritage breed known for their orangish red coloration and great brown egg production. A farm favorite for generations, this breed is a durable heavy bodied dual purpose breed.
- Olive Egger – As the name suggests, this cross breed lays an egg that has an olive colored tint to the shell. These birds vary in feather color but have the uniquely docile temperament and spectacular tint to the eggs that will add color to your coop as well as the carton. This breed is a real hit for families with kids since the birds love attention and lay eggs that make it seem like an Easter-egg hunt every time they gather eggs.
- Welsummer – This colorful, docile breed is a farm favorite for their dual purpose characteristics and great foraging qualities. They are a super kid-friendly breed known for their darker brown eggs with even darker brown speckles. They are treasured for adding a splash of color and variety to the egg carton.
When-Saturday, August 3rd, 2024
Time-10:00 am
Where– Williamson County Ag Expo Park – 4215 Long Lane, Franklin, TN 37064 (Barn A)
Bidding Process- Birds are auctioned in pens of 5 on a per bird price. The winner of the bid will multiply that number by five to get the final price. Example: $25/bird x 5 birds = $125/pen
Pickup Date-Conclusion of Sale
Total number of Pens-Finalized Day of Sale
Contact Us
Doug Berny
Extension Agent