STEM Leadership

This class is for students who have taken STEM Fun 1 or 2 or receive instructor approval to register. This course is perfect for those looking to develop teaching, public speaking, and teamwork skills, with a focus on becoming junior leaders, teen leaders, and assistant teachers in STEM classes and workshops. Throughout the course, you will enhance your leadership abilities and gain practical experience. The class culminates in a “boots on the ground” opportunity, where each student will lead hands-on STEM activities for early elementary school-aged children. Join us to refine your skills, inspire younger students, and become a confident leader in STEM!

Grade Level: 5th – 8th grade; Students must have taken STEM Fun 1 or 2.

There are only 15 spots available for this class! Spots are first come, first served. Spots are not fully reserved until parents complete registration and payment.

Cost: $60


Thursday, November 7, 2024

Thursday, November 21, 2024 (Needs to be rescheduled)

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Time: 6:00PM – 7:30PM

Location: Williamson County Extension – 4215 Long Lane, Franklin, TN 37064

Jennifer Stockdale

Jennifer Hartsell Stockdale

Jennifer Hartsell Stockdale, an attorney for over 20 years, also serves as a youth educator for Williamson County 4-H.  She has been involved in Tennessee 4-H for over three decades, first as a 4-H’er, then as a teen leader and adult volunteer, and now as one of our STEM program instructors. Jennifer teaches STEM Fun 1 and 2, Girls STEMPOWERment, and Crime Scene Investigation classes. She secures opportunities for her students to participate in nationwide collaborations with NASA, The National Girls Collaborative Project, and science museums. She is passionate about developing tomorrow’s great thinkers, leaders, and citizens.

How do I sign up?


Review Class Details

Please read through the eligibility, dates, and class policies closely! This information is important, especially since we cannot accommodate refunds!


Pay for Your Class

Once you’re ready, click the button above to pay for your class so your spot will be held. Please make sure you fully complete payment and receive a receipt to your email! All classes are nonrefundable.

What is 4-H?

4-H is a youth development organization dedicated to hands-on educational programming and offers a unique blend of learning and fun! 4-H instills essential life skills like recordkeeping and responsibility, setting your student up for success in academics and beyond. With access to college scholarships and leadership roles, 4-H empowers youth to thrive as future leaders. 4-H’ers get many opportunities to exercise citizenship, which fosters a sense of community and global awareness and nurtures well-rounded individuals.

Through fun, educational experiences and the lifelong friendships forged within the 4-H community, your child will grow both academically and personally, laying a strong foundation for a bright and promising future!

Interested in more classes with Extension?

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