4-H Horse

Whether a first-time showman, an equine veteran, or just have a passion for horses with no previous experience, the 4-H Horse Project provides amazing opportunities for youth in 3rd-12th grade on all levels to learn about the horse both inside and outside of the show arena as well as connect with our versatile equine community. We are committed to introducing all aspects of the horse by offering Hippology, Horse Judging, Horse Shows, and other unique equine events and clinics.

Description-Whether a first time showman, an equine veteran, or just have a passion for horses with no previous experience, the 4-H Horse Project provides amazing opportunities for all levels to learn about the horse both inside and outside of the show arena as well as connect with our versatile equine community. We are committed to introducing all aspects of the horse by offering Hippology (the study of the horse) and Horse Judging lessons and competitions from October-May, the county horse show in May at the Williamson County Ag Expo Park. Region and State shows are also available.

Eligibility-3rd-12th grade

Location-Classes will be in-person at a variety of locations across the county


Meeting Dates– Sept. 25, 2023, Dec. 18, 2023, Feb. 26, 2024, May 6, 2024

Class Limit-Unlimited

Description: Our project hosts Hippology, or horse science, lessons Monday evenings, October-February. ou will learn about horse anatomy, care, nutrition, and equipment. We have a county, regional and state contest where you are tested on your knowledge and compete against other 4-Hers. It’s a fun way to learn about horses with all your horsey friends! Horse Judging gives you practical knowledge on ideal features for various breeds and how to judge them in relation to other horses within that breed. You will also learn how to evaluate horses based on conformation and performance. Horse Judging lessons are offered February-March. Contests are held March-June where 4-H members can compete using their judging skills in a live setting. Y

Eligibility-3rd-12th grade, contests open to 4th grade and up

Location-Classes will be in-person at a variety of locations across the county


Dates– October 2, 16, 23, 30, 2023, November 6, 13, 27, 2023, December 4, 11, 2023
January 8, 15, 22, 29, 2024, February 5, 12, 19, 2024, March 4, 18, 2024

County Horse Show:

May 10-12, 2024 at Williamson County Ag Expo Park

Regional Horse Show:

June 2024 Tennessee Miller Coliseum in Murfreesboro. Email tdoyle8@utk.edu for registration information.

State Horse Show: https://uthorse.tennessee.edu/youth-shows/

June 2024 National Walking Horse Celebration Grounds
110 N Evans Street
Shelbyville, TN 37160

Email tdoyle8@utk.edu, or more information on horse shows.

Tiffani Doyle

Tiffani Doyle

4-H Educator
Tiffani began as a parent volunteer in Williamson County 4-H. During the day, Tiffani serves as an Operations Manager, but she continues her passion for creative student education and life experiences with Horse Project.

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